
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is Deodorant Powder & its General Ingredients

Deodorant Powders, to be effective have to be mixed and ground well. So that the ingredients are well dispersed. The active ingredient may be dissolved in a suitable solvent and distributed through the powder mix. The active ingredients are deodorants. So they may affect the fragrance.
It is being used to check its loss of odour over a period of 2-3 months.

 General Formula 1

Talc                                                            70%
Light Precipitated Chalk                           10%
Boric Acid                                                 10%
Zinc Oxide                                                 9%
Zinc Phenolsulfonate                                 1%
Perfume                                                     q.s.

 General Formula 2

Talc                                                                                                                      84%
Boric Acid                                                 3.0%
Chalk                                                         12.0%
Cetyl alcohol                                             0.5%
Hexachlorophene                                       0.5%
Perfume                                                     q.s.   


Dissolve hexachlophene and cetyl alcohol in a minimum quantity of alcohol and add to the powder. 

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